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Royal Arch Chapter



King Edwin Chapter no. 660

King Edwin Chapter no. 660 came into being on May 7th 1867 under the auspices of Camalodunum Lodge. Although the Chapter is associated with Camalodunum Lodge it is not exclusively for members of that Lodge. Master Masons from any regular lodge are welcome.

The Chapter’s name is after King (later Saint) Edwin the Anglo Saxon King of Northumbria. The Romans stationed a cohort of the 6th Legion here. The Romans called it Derventionensis after the River Derwent and Romanised the local name to Camulodunum. In Saxon times the Roman fortress became a royal villa for King Edwin, where the king’s life was saved from an assassin.   

What is Royal Arch Masonry?

The Royal Arch is the continuation of Craft Freemasonry. Its members, called Companions, meet in Chapters which are headed by three Principals, who rule jointly.

New members, who must be master masons, are admitted in a ceremony called exaltation. The exaltation ceremony is a dramatic presentation of the principles of the Order.  For this the lodge room is set out in a very colourful manner.

The allegory of the exaltation ceremony is based on the Old Testament telling of the Hebrew exiles’ return to Jerusalem from their Babylonish captivity, so as to do their part in the rebuilding of a ruined city and temple devastated by war and left neglected and desolate for over 70 years. It focuses upon the exploits of just three of the many who returned. In clearing the ground of the original temple for the foundations of the second temple, the candidate makes a number of discoveries which emphasise the importance of the Supreme Being.

Like Craft Freemasonry, the Royal Arch is open to men of all faiths.

Currently our three Principals are…

The Provincial Grand Chapter of Yorkshire North and East Ridings is governed by three Principals. The First Principal is referred to as the Grand Superintendent, currently Most Excellent Companion Dr David Chambers.


King Edwin Chapter meets in the Masonic Hall, Yorkersgate, Malton, on the first Tuesday of:-  

January      March(installation)      May      July      September       November 


Details of other events can be obtained by email from the Chapter secretary -






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